
- ekte live musikk med synthesizere

Konsertserie for musikk laget med synthesizere. Billetter her. English buyers may use this English version of the ticket link.

Lørdag 19. oktober 2024 kl. 17.00 - Det norske analoge synthtreffet med gjesteartist Mark Jenkins

Mark Jenkins live

Synthtreffet vil i år inkludere en gjesteforelesning og konsert med en svært anerkjent Britisk synthveteran: Mark Jenkins. Konserten er starten på en konsertserie basert på synthesizere.

The Norwegian analog synth gathering will this year include a guest speaker and concert by none other than British famous musician and author Mark Jenkins. The concert marks the start of a concert series based on synthesizers.

Mark Jenkins er en engelsk musiker fra Wales som har gitt ut mange plater, og han er skribent i en rekke anerkjente musikktidsskrifter. Han har skrevet anmeldelser av synthesizere, og intervjuet en lang rekke kjente musikere innen synthverden, både pop, rock og avantgarde-musikk. Han har også skrevet en bok om synthesizere. Ledning-konsertene er på Notam, Myhrens verksted 3A, Oslo.

Mark Jenkins is a well known Welsh musician and music writer. He has released meny records of elekctronic music, written interviews and instrument reviews for a lot of major magazines, and written a book about synthesizers. He has also met lots of famous musicians in both pop, rock and avantgarde. Use this opportunity the hear live! The Synth concerts are at Notam, address: Myhrens verksted 3A, Oslo.

Evening concert with Mark Jenkins in two parts, Saturday October 19th, starting at 17.00 - kjøp billett/buy tickets

Concert Part 1 - MARK JENKINS performs Mike Oldfield's "TUBULAR BELLS" for the Moog Synthesizer
1 hour. CD on sale

Concert Part 2 - MARK JENKINS performs Berlin School music from "MODULAR SESSIONS"
1 hour. CD's on sale, plus a discount code on download music

Mark Jenkins

At his Oslo "Berlin School" concert Mark Jenkins will play music from many of his CD releases, and launch two new albums for digital sales only under the artist name "Astralspace".

"Gods Of The Wandering Stars" includes very long hypnotic synthesizer and sequencer pieces each titled after one of the classical Greek Gods. "Gates Of The Silver Key" has a slightly darker feel and is inspired by the elder Gods of H.P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu mythos.

Both albums will be available for download sale through Bandcamp, and on the day as digital files on an SD card accompanied by studio notes and photographs, and more than an hour of other music by Mark Jenkins.




Neste konserter / Next concerts:

lørdag 16. november 2024 kl. 17.00

Geir Opdal - Untermensch
Trond Gjellum - Electrond
Eric G. (Sverige)

lørdag 18. januar 2025 kl. 17.00

Artister: info kommer senere

lørdag 22. mars 2025 kl. 17.00

Artister: info kommer senere

Synthtreffet og Ledning-konsertene arrangeres av WintherStormer i samarbeid med Notam